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View the very first …Move-In Day at The Capstone Cottages of San Marcos (after my team successfully completed this 360,000 sf – project on-time and on-budget). 

Possessing well-documented construction management experience, from Schools. Airports, Runways / Taxi and Aprons, Student Housing, Restaurants, Light Rail, Military Construction in Combat Zones and Agricultural / Food Processing (Rice), I have been fortunate to have held positions of leadership on a wide variety of projects. 

American Rice Inc. at Freeport Texas

Below is a photo of the 15 Rough Rice Storage, (Elevators / Conveyors / Scales)  and Processing Facility in Freeport Texas, for American Rice (owned by Rivian Foods).

Working for Texas Gulf Engineering, I was the Project Manager assigned to this project as an Owner’s Representative, on this Design-Build Project. In addition to the 15 Rice Storage Bins and associated scales, conveyor/elevators and controls, the project also included an addition to the warehouse and rice processing buildings. 

The 15 Rice Storage Bins were built on concrete pilings, elevating the silos by 9 feet off grade to protect the product and facility from storm-water and flooding, due to the site being located at Port Freeport, where processed rice is loaded for transportation around the world.